High water events such as storm surge, riverine flooding, or high-tide flooding can inundate a stormwater network and reduce its effectiveness.
is an R package that estimates the impact of downstream flooding on stormwater infrastructure using a simple bathtub model and a 1-dimensional model of the stormwater network.
is not designed to replace more complex hydrodynamic modeling (e.g., SWMM), but rather to be a simpler and more accessible option for estimating potential impacts of inundation of stormwater networks.
To use bathtub
, you must have spatial data representing the stormwater network, and these data must include information representing the elevation or depth of stormwater inverts.
The following tutorial will use data from Beaufort, North Carolina to present the workflow for bathtub
, which consists of:
saves models and model results as geopackages so you can load them later or share them.
The first step is to create the output folder and set the workspace for the project.
Run folder_setup()
to create the folders needed for bathtub
and produce the workspace path. bathtub
uses the provided path to create a bathtub_output
folder with five subfolders:
library(bathtub) workspace <- folder_setup("your_path_here") site_name <- "beaufort"
Next step is to load the stormwater network spatial data. I’ve put the spatial network data into the bathtub_output/input
folder so I can easily share it later.
In this example, invert elevations are calculated ahead of time using surveyed invert depth and elevation.
Different structure types (i.e., pipe ends, junction boxes, etc.) have their own shapefiles, but we need to combine them into one structures
library(sf) library(mapview) library(tidyverse) #> read in pipes shapefile, but I don't want any 'pipes' that are classified as 'shoreline' pipes <- st_read(paste0(workspace,"/input/bft_storm_lines_subset.shp")) %>% st_zm() %>% filter(!NOTES %in% "shoreline") #> read in structure shapefiles, calculate Invert elevations, and reproject to the same projection (crs) as pipes pipe_ends <- st_read(paste0(workspace,"/input/pipe_ends.shp")) %>% st_zm() %>% mutate(INVERTELEV = Elevation - Out1_Dpth) %>% dplyr::select(Elevation, INVERTELEV, Code, Prcnt_Obst, Type_Obst) %>% st_transform(crs = st_crs(pipes)) junction_boxes <- st_read(paste0(workspace,"/input/junction_boxes.shp")) %>% st_zm()%>% mutate(INVERTELEV = if_else(Out1_Dpth != 0, Elevation - Out1_Dpth, 99)) %>% dplyr::select(Elevation, INVERTELEV, Code, Prcnt_Obst, Type_Obst)%>% st_transform(crs = st_crs(pipes)) drop_inlets <- st_read(paste0(workspace,"/input/drop_inlets.shp")) %>% st_zm()%>% mutate(INVERTELEV = Elevation - Out1_Dpth) %>% dplyr::select(Elevation, INVERTELEV, Code,Prcnt_Obst, Type_Obst)%>% st_transform(crs = st_crs(pipes)) catch_basins <- st_read(paste0(workspace,"/input/catch_basins.shp")) %>% st_zm()%>% mutate(INVERTELEV = Elevation - Out1_Dpth) %>% dplyr::select(Elevation, INVERTELEV, Code,Prcnt_Obst, Type_Obst)%>% st_transform(crs = st_crs(pipes)) #> Not all structures were surveyed, but 'bathtub' will conservatively estimate invert elevations based on known invert elevations connected to them unknown_structures <- st_read(paste0(workspace,"/input/unknown_elevs_sub.shp")) %>% st_zm() %>% mutate(Elevation = NA, INVERTELEV = NA, Code = TYPE_FEAT, Prcnt_Obst = NA, Type_Obst = NA) %>% dplyr::select(Elevation, INVERTELEV, Code, Prcnt_Obst, Type_Obst) %>% st_transform(crs = st_crs(pipes)) #> combine all structures into one 'sf' object using rbind. Note that I made all structures have the same column structure structures <- rbind(pipe_ends, junction_boxes, drop_inlets, catch_basins, unknown_structures)
comes with a conversion raster to convert NAVD88 to the mean higher high water (MHHW) tidal datum in North Carolina.
Load this conversion raster and download elevation data for the study area using get_NOAA_elevation()
uses the extent of the pipe layer (plus a small buffer) to download NOAA elevation data that is made for sea level rise inundation mapping.
#> read in conversion rasters for NAVD88 --> MHHW NAVD88_MHHW <- bathtub::NAVD88_MHHW_NC #> Download NOAA SLR DEM. Native res is ~3m. We'll request 10ft. noaa_elev <- bathtub::get_NOAA_elevation(x = pipes, x_EPSG = 102719, res = 10, workspace = workspace)
This step converts all input data to the correct spatial projection and units.
uses the tidal datum of mean higher high water (MHHW) for inundation modeling, so we must convert the downloaded elevation data from NAVD88 to MHHW.
The converted DEM will be saved in bathtub_output/DEMs/
also clips elevation data to the study area for faster processing. If you have previously run DEM_setup()
, you can set overwrite
, and the previous result will be loaded.
#> Convert elevation to MHHW bft_elev <- DEM_setup( pipes = pipes, large_DEM = noaa_elev, conversion_raster = NAVD88_MHHW, res = 10, trace_upstream = F, workspace = workspace, overwrite = T )
This step structures the pipe and structure data with units and defines the column names that the model will use.
In this case, all stormwater network elevation data is stored in the structures
layer, so type = "none"
. If elevation or depth data were stored in the pipe
layer, type = "elevation"
or type = "depth"
, respectively.
#> Setup pipes and structures with units. Uses surveyed surface & invert elevations pipes_n <- setup_pipes(pipes, type = "none", diam = "DIAMETER", diam_units = "in") #> These functions also allow null values to be declared. Shapefiles can't store "NA" values, so the null values will be converted from a number to NA. structures_n <- setup_structures( structures = structures, type = "elevation", invert = "INVERTELEV", elev = "Elevation", elev_units = "ft", null_value = 99, other_cols = c("Code","Prcnt_Obst","Type_Obst"), workspace = workspace )
Using properly structured pipe and structure data, we create the model using assemble_net_model()
The output model consists of 3 sf
Each object is written to bathtub_output/model/
along with a file for each object that describes the units of each column (see save_w_units()
All connectivity information is stored in the ‘nodes’ layer.
bft_model<- assemble_net_model( pipes = pipes_n, structures = structures_n, type = "none", elev = bft_elev, elev_units = "m", use_raster_elevation = F, buffer = 1, guess_connectivity = T, workspace = workspace )
can model impacts using: - a range of water levels - spatial data showing extent of flooding - time series of downstream water level (in development)
This example shows how to run the model using a range of water levels, from -3 ft MHHW to 4 ft MHHW by 3 inch increments.
We’re also interested in flooding hotspots caused by stormwater network surcharge, so model_ponding
is set to TRUE
. If you are modeling a large area or lots of model steps, start with model_ponding = F
All model results are written (along with their associated unit files) to bathtub_output/results/
Model results consist of:
model_ponding = T
)for each modeled water level (or input flooding extent).
bft_model_output <- model_inundation( model = bft_model, elev = bft_elev, elev_units = "m", from_elevation = -3, to_elevation = 4, step = 3/12, model_ponding = T, site_name = "beaufort", overwrite = T, minimum_area = 0.01, workspace = workspace )
Plot the impact of inundation (percent of object filled) of structures (viz_structures()
) or nodes (viz_nodes()
) using the type = "plot"
argument. The model results are compared to simple overland flooding impacts.
Save the plot to bathtub_output/figures/
by specifying a filename.
bft_plot <- viz_structures(model_output = bft_model_output, model = bft_model, elev = bft_elev, type_column = "Code", filter_value = "D_I", type = "plot", # hide_labels = T, # simplify_labels = T, # label_size = 2, # filename = "bft_structures_impact_plot.png", workspace = workspace) bft_plot
Visualize the minimum water level of impact for all structures, and click on the points to see a plot of percent fill vs. water level! This can take awhile for large models.
bft_int_structures_map <- viz_structures(model_output = bft_model_output, model = bft_model, elev = bft_elev, type = "interactive_map", workspace = workspace) bft_int_structures_map
packageResults are simply a list of sf
objects, so you can easily view them using the mapview
If viewing an attribute that is a units object, use units::drop_units()
to remove units before passing the attribute name to zcol
in mapview()
mapview(bft_model_output$ponding %>% arrange(-water_elevation), zcol="water_elevation", = "Ponding water level (ft MHHW)")
Model objects and results are automatically written to their respective folders within bathtub_output
when they are created.
Use load_model()
to re-load a model from file
Use load_results()
to re-load model results file
Both of these functions only require the workspace path and also read the associated unit files to preserve units.